They are run in series, parallel. Heh.
In other words, the infinity pair run in series, raising to 16 ohms, same with the integrated television speakers, the two pair then run in parallel. So no, not a 1 or 2 ohm load (it'd be 2 with four 8-ohm speakers).
Honestly, the integrated television speakers I believe are actually using the televisions amp and simply using a high-power drop down to get the signal - the speakers don't work with the television off. It's a 61"XBR, bout 8 years old or so.
I just made the same choice you did, between the Denon and the Yamaha, and got the Yamaha, because they are both so equal in features, but the Yamaha was slightly less, is movieriffic, and the Denon remote quality scared me. Still, I think you'll be thrilled with either...