I just signed up with this form and was wondering if someone could help me? Now I'm an idiot when it comes to receivers and such so please bare with me.
Now I'm going to make this easier for (Me) the idiot to understand. I need a receiver because I don't have surround sound, I can't switch well for my Xbox 360 to play games in 1080i and so on. Now here's how my set up is going to be by JAN.....
'42 plasma TV that is 1080i (Will save for a 1080p TV after the new year)
Whatever receiver I choose between the Pioneer, Yamaha or the new Sony coming out.
I will hook up to component Xbox360, PS3, Cable box..... The reason why is, even though the receiver has HDMI ports, my TV is older, they didn't have HDMI ports in the TV. So, I am guessing I can't hook the 360 or PS3 via HDMI, correct? Because my TV doesn't have it, only my receiver.
Now I will have the choice to buy Blu-Ray DVD's for the PS3 or HD-DVD's for the Xbox 360. What will these movies play in for the Blu-Ray and the HD-DVD? Another wards, I'm confused. If it's hooked up to component until I get an 1080p TV, will the movies play in 1080i? If so, isn't that a better picture then standard DVD's? And isn't the sound just a little bit better?
I'm going to be honest with you, I'm in a wheelchair..... The reason why I say this is, I can't get out much. I have kidney failure and on kidney dialysis 7 days a week. Movies are my life, I have over 1,500 DVD's, I collect the game units, play games and I come on here, the internet. My Grandpop is going to help me buying these electronics because I am unable to work. I can get these receivers for $900 basically. So I'm not going to have the best of the best like you but I'm just looking for have better quality then I have now since my stuff is older.
Simply, will the Xbox 360 and PS3 play movies in 1080i with one of those receivers and with out a 1080p TV but a 1080i TV? Then when I upgrade the TV, will I be ready for 1080p for DVD's with either one of those receivers or will I have to buy a new receiver?
Or would any of you guys not use the Xbox 360 add on they are putting out in DEC for HD-DVD and just buy the Toshiba HDA1 instead?
Thank you and if I have any other questions after this from someone's response, again please bare with me. I've heard so many different things, theories and have read so many articles, I'm confused.