This took some chasing down. Audiosonic is a junk brand of Kmart. Originally Audiosonic was a brand of Telefunken of Germany. Telefunken sold the rights to Kmart Australia in 2003. I know for a fact some of this was also sold by Kmart US. Clearly your unit is prior to the sale in 2003. So the unit is around 20 years old, or older.
I would think the chance of finding spares, or being able to service it would be virtually nil.
It is interesting that it has long wave. That standard is now only in the odd parts of Eastern Europe and the UK. The Russians no longer broadcast it.
The UK history is interesting. It now carries BBC radio 4. The station is located in a funny little town of Droitwich in Worcestershire on the Herefordshire border. I have driven past it on a number of occasions. The station was built by no lesser person than Marconi. It is a very powerful station, that covers the UK and reaches Holland and Germany. Apparently it was popular in both countries. There are a couple of repeaters in Scotland. The signal does on occasions reach the US. The radiating power is 168KW.
This transmitter has it frequency linked to the atomic clock that keeps the world's time, as a reference point. The UK astronomer Royal is still the world's time keeper, and has been for hundreds of years, certainly since the time of Hooke and Newton.
Now the transmitter is extremely powerful, and uses water cooled valves (tubes) that are a meter high.
The radio valves are no longer manufactured. The BBC bought up all the remaining valves in 2011 I believe. These last 1 to 12 years. So the station will soon be off air.
This is the mercury arc rectifier.
This is the control desk.
Anyhow that gives us a chance to talk about a living piece of audio history soon to pass, and I suspect forgotten.