Room - 18' x 14' x 8', hardwood floor with area rugs, 1 brick wall(fireplace), 1 glass sliding patio door(about 8' with vertical blinds), two regular walls with 2 doors and one opening(4') to kitchen.
Electronics - (1) 5.1 receiver with progressive dvd player and 32" lcd tv.
Orientation - Unfortunately, corner placement for TV (spousal mandate) Brick wall in rear.
Budget - $1500( including taxes - again spousal mandate) Yea, I'm P-whipped. So what ! I'm too old to argue.
Wanted - 5.1 Surround sound speaker system.
Minimum requirements - 12" Woofer and relatively small mains
After studing and reading on this website for what sems like years I still have no idea what to get. Any and all recommendations would be most appreciated and definately considered.
Thanks in advance.