
Audioholic Intern
Room - 18' x 14' x 8', hardwood floor with area rugs, 1 brick wall(fireplace), 1 glass sliding patio door(about 8' with vertical blinds), two regular walls with 2 doors and one opening(4') to kitchen.

Electronics - (1) 5.1 receiver with progressive dvd player and 32" lcd tv.

Orientation - Unfortunately, corner placement for TV (spousal mandate) Brick wall in rear.

Budget - $1500( including taxes - again spousal mandate) Yea, I'm P-whipped. So what ! I'm too old to argue.

Wanted - 5.1 Surround sound speaker system.

Minimum requirements - 12" Woofer and relatively small mains

After studing and reading on this website for what sems like years I still have no idea what to get. Any and all recommendations would be most appreciated and definately considered.

Thanks in advance.


Full Audioholic
Use your own judgement based on your budget and preferances. Go out and play. Have fun. We can mention 1000s of different things to get but it is you who has to listen or look at what you paid for at the end of the day.

I'm assuming that since you've done some research you should have some ideas of what you want.

Go out and get something. You have to start someplace. If you buy from box stores you can take almost anything back for a refund. If you buy from higher end stores they will (most likely) gladly exchange your equipement and give you something else. But no refund. I'm on my second HT setup. If you can call my first setup a HT. Either way it's a learning experience. I'm working on #3. It's going to cost me half my mortage most probably by the time I am done. But you only live once.


Audioholic Spartan
Pursuitest said:
Room - 18' x 14' x 8', hardwood floor with area rugs, 1 brick wall(fireplace), 1 glass sliding patio door(about 8' with vertical blinds), two regular walls with 2 doors and one opening(4') to kitchen.

Electronics - (1) 5.1 receiver with progressive dvd player and 32" lcd tv.

Orientation - Unfortunately, corner placement for TV (spousal mandate) Brick wall in rear.

Budget - $1500( including taxes - again spousal mandate) Yea, I'm P-whipped. So what ! I'm too old to argue.

Wanted - 5.1 Surround sound speaker system.

Minimum requirements - 12" Woofer and relatively small mains

After studing and reading on this website for what sems like years I still have no idea what to get. Any and all recommendations would be most appreciated and definately considered.

Thanks in advance.
Is this for movies only? If not how much music and how picky about music are you? What kind of music? If you have a picky wife (and who doesn't):rolleyes: what kind of finnish/color? What receiver also?



Audioholic Warlord
What is it you want? Speakers? Tv and DVD player?

For speakers, check out the Velodyne Deco system. Its going for 499 right now. If the sub isn't enough, you can always add another.



Audioholic Intern

Yes all movies. Just looking for speakers.


Audioholic General
If you e-mail SVS or HSU with all that info,they will give you a good sub but i wouldnt tell them at first how much you will spend. See what they come up with.


I'll go ahead and throw this recommendation out seeing as it's well under your budget, uses bookshelf speakers and even though the sub doesn't have a 12" woofer, I seriously doubt you'll be disappointed. The initial reviews I've read seem very positive, especially as a HT only system.


  • RBHsound.com
  • BlueJeansCable.com
  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis