I visited TLS Guy's home this weekend and it was quite a treat. Very nice home with an amazing hand-built sound system which can be described as a museum. I brought over some LP's and he played them on his 50+ year old turntables and they sounded incredible. One of the turntables had a cartridge that he had a hand in designing, hand wiring it under a microscope if I remember correctly. Plus, he played some of his recordings that would be impossible to appreciate on a lesser system. I can say without hesitation that I heard the best sound system that I have ever heard. Then in another room where he has a Thorens turntable and more fantastic hand-built speakers, he played another one of my LP's. A lot to appreciate! He set me on a path to improve both of my systems, mainly my center speakers. A couple of weeks ago, he was here testing my speakers. He wanted to test my La Scalas, since they are modded up from original. What a relief that they tested fine! As did my heights and surrounds, all of which I built from kits. So, that was also very nice to find out. But both my center speakers were another story though. This is what prompted me to find the amazing single Cornwall as a center for my main system. Then today, I ordered a center speaker from Crites for my bedroom system. Crites is the only viable option as a center for Klipsch Heritage other than Klipsch. Anyway, TLS Guy is a terrific fellow and it was nice visiting with him today.