I got the Riva 2 disk today and was playing the music at the end of the disk at appx. 82dB.
I went upstairs from the basement HT room and felt the bass coming through the tiled kitchen floor. Sure, I could just have gone down and turned the sound down or maybe reduced the bass to the subwoofer EXCEPT I don't have a subwoofer yet!!!!!!!!!
So my concern is that when my Epik Valor arrives the whole bloody house is going to be shaking and the wife is going to go mental!
I don't have much money to spend so can I realisticaly isolate the room (or maybe just the ceiling) for a couple of hunderd bucks?
As an aside: The right front speaker sits to the right of the door that enters the HT room. The speaker sits below the stairs that come down to the basement so there is a sloping 9 feet long area that the sound can resonate in. When I get the woofer the speakers will change form large to small on the receiver so maybe there won't be so much base resonating in the stairwell.
The room is 1078 cubic feet.