I'm so new to HDTV's But.... I have a 7.1 home theater system and now I wanna get me a 30inch widescreen hdtv the one i was looking at is from Philips but im trying to choose between both of them here is the link http://www.consumer.philips.com/consumer/catalog/catalog.jsp?fredhopperpage=compare.jsp&fhquery=fh_view%3Dcompare&fhquery=fh_location%3Dfh_location%3D%2F%2Fconsumer%2Fen_US%2Fcategories%3Ccatalog_us_consumer%2Fcategories%3CTV_GR_US_CONSUMER%2Fcategories%3C%7BTV_4_3_CA_US_CONSUMER%7D%26&activeCategory=TV_4_3_CA_US_CONSUMER&language=en&country=US&catalogType=CONSUMER&fhquery=fh_secondid%3D30PW9110D_37_US_CONSUMER&fhquery=fh_secondid%3D30PW8420_37_US_CONSUMER im on a budget, under $700 and i seen these tv's in person and they seem great im going to mostly use the tv for the xbox, xbox360, ps2, and gamecube for progressive scan, also i will use it for cable in hdtv, and also dvd movies, so im tryin to make sure that the tv's are fully compatible with the formats can some body please help me A.S.A.P. with the a good decision on which one is better (if you was in my shoes)