So I got home today...and what did I find? My Hsu STF-1 I bought off another member! I immediately went downstairs and integrated it into my temporary BIC setup (2 BIC DV62si bookshelves, Yamaha CR-1020 receiver) using the speaker level inputs. I have it out of balance right now (bassaholic), but it's so tight and smooooth. It rumbles my whole basment and it's at about 1 o'clock on the dial. I was listening to some Maroon 5 earlier (if you know Songs About Jane, then you know why I used this to test my subwoofer). Anyway, Secret has some mega rumbly low bass at the beginning. I thought I heard my Hsu rattling, but it turns out it was just the pictures on the walls. Currently a live TOWER OF POWER album is kickin' it, and the Hsu has no trouble with the funky 16th note basslines. A great subwoofer! I'll be sure to follow up more, but I'm too busy listening.