I have $2000 For Speakers, and I need to order soon...



As some of you may know, I had a fire in my place about a month ago. I have been trying to pick up the pieces here, and our place is about fixed. My speakers were all ruined, but my A/V equipment seems fine. I have a Denon 3805 receiever, and use my speakers in an apartment area with dimensions of 12x10x12. I use them for 80% of the time For HT. I have 2 grand to spend including subwoofer. I have heard a ton about axiom and paradigm, but I am have heard many conflicting arguments, especially about a subwoofer. I know this is a little broad, but I have to order them asap, so I do not have time to comb over the forums as I usually do. Thanks in advance for your help in the time of trial.


Audioholic Slumlord
There are more speakers out there than Paradigm and Axiom

Drop-Top said:
As some of you may know, I had a fire in my place about a month ago. I have been trying to pick up the pieces here, and our place is about fixed. My speakers were all ruined, but my A/V equipment seems fine. I have a Denon 3805 receiever, and use my speakers in an apartment area with dimensions of 12x10x12. I use them for 80% of the time For HT. I have 2 grand to spend including subwoofer. I have heard a ton about axiom and paradigm, but I am have heard many conflicting arguments, especially about a subwoofer. I know this is a little broad, but I have to order them asap, so I do not have time to comb over the forums as I usually do. Thanks in advance for your help in the time of trial.
You should do yourself a favour and audition as many speakers as you can with music/dvds that you know intimately. Trust your ears and not somebody elses recommendations. I have PSBs and think they are much better value than Paradigm or Axiom. But thats just me. Trust yourself and audition and have fun doing it


Audioholic Samurai
My entire system is Paradigm, so you know where I stand. My sub is the servo v.2...one of the best subs out there. I think you would do well in the monitor series, or possibly the smallest of the studio series, and consider an Hsu sub, as Paradigms low end subs can be easily beaten for the money.


Audioholic Overlord
Johnd said:
My entire system is Paradigm, so you know where I stand. My sub is the servo v.2...one of the best subs out there. I think you would do well in the monitor series, or possibly the smallest of the studio series, and consider an Hsu sub, as Paradigms low end subs can be easily beaten for the money.
I second the Paradigm Reference recommendation. The Studio 20's along with the cc-470 across the front would make for an awesome set-up. Personally, the Atoms would work fine in the rear UNLESS you do a lot of multi-channel music listening. If so, then you would need the Studio 20's for rears as well. I also recommend the sub offerings from SVS/Hsu. Sorry to hear about the fire. Good luck and God Bless.


speakerman39 said:
I second the Paradigm Reference recommendation. The Studio 20's along with the cc-470 across the front would make for an awesome set-up. Personally, the Atoms would work fine in the rear UNLESS you do a lot of multi-channel music listening. If so, then you would need the Studio 20's for rears as well. I also recommend the sub offerings from SVS/Hsu. Sorry to hear about the fire. Good luck and God Bless.
I would really rather get a floor standing front speakers if possible. I am not stuck on any brand. I do not have much time to go and check out the sound of speakers, and I doubt there are many places in MN that even stock these speakers to listen to.


Audioholic Samurai
Paradigm is an international brand, stocked throughout the country. You're not willing to invest the time to audition even just a pair or two? The one thing in a ht above all others that requires auditioning, is speakers (personal preference). The human ear, as well as the individual acoustics of your own theater (or room), is very subjective and personal. While the specs and attributes of a display or receiver are more readily digested and can be selected by "the numbers", the same is not true for speakers. If you have the time, and I would certainly encourage you to make it, I would sample a few models of different speakers so you get something you truly like. Just my $0.02. Happy listening!


I would look at Ascend acoustics--very often compared both paradigm and axiom. You can get a great system for $2000 you could get the 340's accross the front with the 170's for surrounds for just over $1100. Or the 170's l/r 340 center and the 200's for surrounds for just over $800. Pick and choose what will work in your room. then pick the best sub you can with the remaining cash. Look at SVS and HSU. If you are a basshead and have some space look at the pb12isd/2 for about $900--it is a monster performer. Work your way down from there. A wildcard right now is the Mirage S12 from vanns for $400. It was a real good sub in the $800 category, now that it is selling for $400 it is a steal. I'd personally get the pb12isd/2 if I had the space, if not I would get the S12--Is is not quite as good as the SVS pb12isd/v $700 or the hsu vtf-3 $700 but very close for way less money. The SVS PB10 has a bit more extension than the s12, but not much, but won't get as loud for $430. If I had $2000 grand to build a system with--this is where I would start--Ascend for speakers and an SVS sub--no question. They are both highly regarded as some of the best if not the best companies from performance to dollar standpoint. I hope this helps--good luck.


Junior Audioholic
All the speakers mentioned are marvelous. Each have their own cult like following. So I'm here to throw out the Onix Rocket name. Check out av123.com, their packages are in your price range or you could check the bstock page for some REALLY sweet deals. But do yourself a favor and head out and listen to some speakers at a local hifi store to find out what "sound" best fits your ears.

Good luck,


The good thing about your speaker situation is that they are so many quality choices in this price-range, it will be hard to go wrong with any. SVS make some of the best woofers in the world, no questions there. A point to consider, that I am not sure if it has been mentioned, is even their physically smallest woofer is pretty darn big. Your room's real-estate is gonna get eaten up quick with floor standers and an SVS sub (assuming they are propery place and not just put into the corner). I am a big fan of Usher loudspeakers. Even their entry level bookshelf speakers look beautiful (much much better than comparable Paradigms........and I also like Paradigm quite a bit too!) and produce sound quality on par with other speakers at many times their price. My HUMBLE suggestion would be (2) pair of Usher S-520's (gloss black) and their matching S-525 center (gloss black as well) along with a Velodyne SPL-800R. Another subwoofer suggestion is the Earthquake SuperNova MK-IV10. These are easily found for around $350 online. That would save quite a bit of $$$ over the Velodyne. This system will provide everything you could want in term of performance but will not dominate the room's sq/ft. Even though the retail tag on this speaker system (with the Velodyne) is over $2000, noone ever pays retail so it can be had for hundreds less with some savy shopping.


Audioholic Slumlord
well said Johnd

Johnd said:
Paradigm is an international brand, stocked throughout the country. You're not willing to invest the time to audition even just a pair or two? The one thing in a ht above all others that requires auditioning, is speakers (personal preference). The human ear, as well as the individual acoustics of your own theater (or room), is very subjective and personal. While the specs and attributes of a display or receiver are more readily digested and can be selected by "the numbers", the same is not true for speakers. If you have the time, and I would certainly encourage you to make it, I would sample a few models of different speakers so you get something you truly like. Just my $0.02. Happy listening!
There is nothing more subjective than hearing and you owe it to yourself to audition. Can you imagine if you purchase the Paradigms or Axioms and find its not too your liking? Pretty hard to take back to the dealer for a refund. Save yourself some headache and audition before buying and don't take anyone's word on hear. They do not hear the way you do.


Audioholic Intern
i recently listened to boston vr-2's on that amp and they sounded great. you should be able to pick up the vr-2's and a vrc for around that price. i'm pretty sure that the JMLab cobalts are around that price aswell but i didn;t like the JM centre channel.

as already mentioned though...beauty is in the eye of the beholder. i listened to some B&W's at the same price and i thought they sounded awful but a friend of mine has them and loves the sound. believe me the "type" of sound you get ou of speakers can be VASTLY different and it has nothing to do with quality or which is better than the other. it comes down to which is better for YOU.

personally, i'd look at the standard 5 speakers first and save a little more money for the sub and buy it later on. otherwise, get some smaller bookshelf rears to cut cost and that may help your budget.

speakers are such a hugely critical part of your system. imo, to rush it or not spend an extra couple of hundred to get what you want would be a missed opportunity and one you may regret later on.

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  • BlueJeansCable.com
  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
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