Hi Vaughan,
Well, one fairly easy way is to copy your text into an editor (Notepad etc.) replace all instances of " - " with the tab character, and paste into Excel.
You could also probably save it as a text file and load it into Excel, telling Excel which character(s) you've used as the delimiter.
I've attached an xls file (in a zip).
To be honest, recording the low frequency response of your room manually isn't really worth your time. You almost certainly will need some room treatment, as pretty much every room has issues.
If you were planning on getting a Helmholtz resonator (tuned to a particular problem frequency) then it might be worth doing. The problem of course, is that it takes so long!
If you have an SPL meter with an output phono (like the Radio Shack digital meter) you can use a program called ETF to automatically measure your room response - in a matter of seconds.
This is very useful, as you can look at the entire 20-20k range, and spot, amongst other things, reflections.