I just got a bunch of free cassettes and I would love to be able to play them.
I have a vintage/basic Realistic STA-76 I got from a thrift store and I would like to be able to plug a cassette deck into it. The issue is, we live in a small"ish" place and space is key (as well as money, haha).
I have done some searching on eBay and/or Reverb for some units and found some small/compact ones by Sony and Teac (the late 90s) (Sony TC-TX373, TEAC R-H500). The issue is that all of them are from either England (230 Volts) or Japan (100 Volts).
Are there any of these more compact, yet reputable brands that will work in the US (120V) without a need for a step-down or step-up transformer?
I am open to any other suggestions for tape decks as well.
concrete sealing tampa
Thank you very much!