Honestly I have a feeling it has something to do with the QSC amp, whether its something wrong with the AMP itself or his RCA line. Because all of my equipment works flawlessly, no hum, no issues.
Only indirectly. This is absolutely nothing to do with impedance, only potentials between grounds.
We still have incomplete information, as we don't know which units are three pin and which two.
Disconnect the TV, Cat and cable lines.
If the hum is gone, then reconnect one by one to see which is rogue.
If the hum is not gone, and if the QSC amp is three pin, use a cheater plug and convert it to two pin. In general it is a bad plan to ground power amps, it almost always causes a problem.
You really need to tie your grounds together.
Getting CAT and cable grounds sorted is a real art. Basically phone and cable should enter the house within twenty feet of your house ground and those grounds should be tied to the house ground with No 4 copper.