I'm looking to setup a new HT system - and am entirely noob at this. My current TV/DVD is modest (24" Sony Wega Flat-Tube) and a Sony DVD (don't recall which), so I'm not really married to anything like having HDTV capability and that sort of thing. I love good sound and unfortunately have a discerning ear (damn Suzuki method) and would be using this for 50% music (piped in from a computer)/50% movies.
The problem is the room in my apartment is about 14' by 15' I'd say, and I don't see myself moving into that much bigger a TV room in the next few years. I know I'll want to get that "dream" system down the line. Plus, I'll admit I'm a bit of a purist when it comes to electronics (I've built all of my desktop computers from scratch in the last 10 years using the best parts). I have a similar philosophy with my future HT system and so a component system (separate receiver, DVD, speaker set) would tickle my fancy, but to do that at an entry level seems to be above $1000 (receiver and 5.1 speakers - a Pioneer 1015tx/Yamaha 1500 and Axiom M22ti, V100, M2i is about $1350-1450 street today). The other option is a 'throw away' HTIB, which I know even less about.
I need your Audiophile expertise. Here is what I'm looking for:
- Receiver/HTIB that I can input (ideally digitally) from a computer
- 5.1 setup - I think 7.1 would look a bit overboard in this relatively small space. For an estimation, the couch is probably about 6' away from the TV at most. I'm even fine with a reasonable 3.1 setup (L/C/R and sub) for now, and adding a crappy set of speakers in the back
- Different zones would be a huge plus but not required (get a set of OK speakers and stick them in the bedroom, since I have no music source there) or some way to pipe sound out to the bedroom without having to have another system.
So should I start accumulating components for a good system now? like with the Axioms (which I've heard and like). Or should I get an HTIB that I won't feel heartache "tossing" (likely selling off for little) in, say, 2 years? I've seen some other ideas: buying a really good receiver ($1000+) and a L/R and Center. Then upgrade later with the surround stuff, sub, and amp (potentially). I'm curious to know what you all think is a 'smart' way and a cost-saving way of gradually getting to that dream setup. Thanks