I am new to this whole hype called home theater as well. I thought HT was a giant box big screen tv with some even bigger floor speakers. After this site, I was sooooo wrong. I mean, I never knew what a center channel was used for until I did some researching. Unfortunately, I have purchased most of my components prior to this site. I have read review after review and I am feeling even more lost. I also know opinion seems to be the most important. I have made most of my purchases based on price. I didn't have a whopping amount of cash to start out with and it has taken me 2 years to aquire a half decent set up. I have received some responses on upgrading my receiver and DVD player and I haven't decided if I need the receiver upgrade. I do, however want a better dvd player such as the Oppo OPDV971H. I have heard many good things about this. I guess my main question is - Is what I have ok?
Also, I can't seem to hear words very well, but everything else sounds great. I want the words to be heard over everything else, so when watching a movie I am not rattled and fumbling for the remote to turn it down during an action sequence. I have since replaced my crappy center channel to a
JBL EC25 and it has much improved.
-If I run an amp to the center channel will it improve the loudness of the voices?
Here's what I have blindly put together over the last year or so :
Kenwood VR-507
SW 35HT sub
JBL E80’s
Klipsch SS.5’s
Mitsubishi WD62527 62
Z2 Reference Ultimate speaker cable for L, R JBL E80’s
Monster MP Pro 2000
Monster component cables
Generic dvd player
Sony Cd player (CDP series bought in 2002, unknown model #)
The system sounds great in my living room and I guess that's all that matters right? I would like to utilize the HD in my tv through a HD DVD player. I love the discovery HD channel. I would like my movies to look like that. Let me know your input....