They are Pioneer CS-88 floor standers (4 way, 10" woofer, midrange, two tweeters, and one super tweeter). They have some cosmetic damage, the x-overs are shot, and one of the woofer's are damaged (the leads from the terminal to the cone are detached, but might still be repairable). They tend to fetch quite a bit on Ebay, I got them at a garage sale for $1.
Edit: I will be adding my subjective review tomorrow. I will make a thread for it, making it easier to find. If moderators deem it so, this thread can be closed or removed (however there are some people here in my thread that want to discuss vintage Sansui and Pioneer speakers, so maybe it should stay open and the thread title be changed as well as first post edited to reflect the title change).
That message is to those who have the wisdom.