I'm going to try to get a smaller sub in the living room to please my wife. She just doesn't like how much it stands out in the room,and I'm not going to argue since she has put up with just about everything I wanted to buy,etc.
I'm looking at the STF-1 and the DT Supercube III. They both seem to get good reviews and I like the small width foot print,which would also please my wife.Now who has heard either and what did you think.The room isn't huge,I would guess 10x10,give or take.
If you guys/gals have any others in the $300-$400 range that has dimensions close to these that may be a better choice,let me know.Thanks.
STF-1 17 H x 11 W x 15 D
DT supercube 10.2 H x 10.2 W x 10.2 D