So it's been available for a little while, who has one here? I've read a few reviews on it and those that have ordered it are very pleased once they spend the time to dial it in with there existing mains and sub.
I think my system would be a prime candidate for this "superwoofer" since the BIC's seem to roll off a bit higher than I would like. Before I left I had my sub X-over at 90hz(maxed) and I still felt there was a gap.
Dreamcatcher over on AVS posted some SMS-1 sweeps with/without the MBM and there is a noticeable flatter response. I know it really comes down to your room but it at least gives you somewhat of an idea. Post #71,72, 80 and 83.
I plan on using REQ or may even splurge and get an SMS-1.
Ok, enough rambling from me, what are your thoughts?