How to Play DVD on Wii?



So you want to play DVDs on your Wii?

Want to watch your favorite DVD movie or television show on your Wii? It seems really difficult for most people. Thanks for hombrewer, everything becomes easy. Here we will show you two methods to play DVDS on Wii.

Method 1: Using the Homebrew Channel to Play DVD on Wii
Method 2: Using the DVD to Wii Converter to Play DVD on Wii

Method 1: Using the Homebrew Channel to Play DVD on Wii

Carrying on the rich hacker tradition of picking up the slack for companies that are unwilling or unable to provide the functionality users need, a team of Wii coders have given the console what Nintendo could not: DVD playback. By installing a small, hidden channel on a system, this package blesses the console with a libdi file (DVD access library), and allows you to watch your favorite videos with the MPlayer application, an open source media player.

The actual process is so simple – It's a matter of downloading a small file, a homebrew video player, copying them to an SD card, and using the Homebrew Channel to apply a two-second patch. Keep reading after the break for our full impressions. Check Step-by-step gallery at below:

Once it's up-and-running, you can pop into the Mplayer app from the Homebrew Channel, put any video DVD in the drive, and voila – you're watching a DVD on a game console. Crazy, huh?

There is a risk that brick your Wii if you do something wrong.

Method 2: Using the DVD to Wii Converter to Play Converted DVD on Wii

Right, the Method 1 seems to be perfect. However, it’s still difficult for many people and exist risks to damage your Wii. So are there any easier and safer methods to do that? Thanks for the effort of Wii’s third part app developer, watching DVD on Nintendo Wii become much simpler and safer. All you need is a DVD to Wii Converter and a SD card.

Here below, I will take a third part app developer for Wii named Wondershare DVD to Wii Converter as example, and show you step-by-step guides – how to watch DVD on your Wii.

Step 1: Download Wondershare DVD to Wii Converter – Which can rip any DVD (including protected DVD) to Wii supported format such as AVI.

Step 2: Convert DVD to Wii supported format
The conversion is easy to handle, just with a few clicks. It may take you half an hour for a full DVD with lossless output quality.

Step 3: Copy the converted DVD to your SD Card

[/b]Step 4: Play the converted DVD on your Wii with the SD Card[/b]

Plug in the SD card to your Wii, then put your foot up on the desk and enjoy your converted DVD on Wii.

Compared with the two methods, the first one can play DVD on Wii directly, but it need over 10 steps to finish the task and need some assistant hardware, further more it exist risk to brick the Wii. The second one also has its disadvantage - Not play DVD on Wii directly, but play converted DVD on Wii. Anyway, it seems much easier and safer.

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