I agree with Swerd completely about understanding the policy of the company you are dealing with. I just took delivery of a 50" plasma a few weeks back. The box looked perfect with no dings or tears, but when the driver and I opened it, the screen was cracked in about 5-6 places. We boxed it up I refused delivery and he was gone. Replacement came a few days later, box had an 8" tear in it and looked awful, but T.V. was perfect. We plugged it in and made sure it came on and all was well. My advice would be to be at home when delivery is to be made, help driver get T.V in house, already have an open area near an outlet to plug it, and nicely ask if you can look at set, and make sure it will fire up. Most drivers don't mind as long as you are pleasant and make it quick and easy to check it.