OK. So how does one account for the effect of things like rockwool that increase the effective volume? Is that in the software as well?
Also, I notice that we have several (at least one from Chris) "speaker improvement" mods, like the one for the Infinity Primus bookshelves that seem to reduce the interior volume signifigantly.
Further, does it tend to be percentage or actual size. When sealing off a mid-range in it's own enclosure: should I worry that my hexagon doesn't have the same volume as the circle I modeled?
My real worry in my own DIY, is that I'm not sure how high I can keep the precision once I accidentally make the inner materials (bracing or the like) thicker than I thought.
And you guys already hijacked my "feeler for sale" thread. I'd really like to see what I can learn from this one.