How much High Frequency can I expect?



I always thought I was losing my ability to hear high frequencies due to age but now I have to wonder. I have a set of NHT 2.9 loudspeakers which are rated at 26hz-26Khz +/- 3db. I have them bi-amped with with a Denon 2106 receiver rated at 100 watts per channel. I have been recently testing my room with a Radio Shack SPL both with a test CD and with ETF5 software from my listening postion and I am amazed to find that above 10Khz, the volume drops off precipitously by 10 or 20db. My room is about 15ft x 15ft with standard drywall and a couple pieces of furniture. Is this reasonable to expect from this setup or is something wrong?


Audioholic Chief
Have you run the auto setup, if so what room EQ are you using?

The reason I ask is because on the 3805, NORMAL mode does:-
flat response up to 2kHz, above 2kHz -3dB/oct.
So if the 2106 works the same way and your using the NORMAL mode this may explain some of it, if so try the NONE or FLAT mode and see what happens.

Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Nothing is wrong. Most musical/video material doesn't contain much over 10kHz. Most people can't hear much past 16,500Hz. Rolloff is huge in the upper and lower frequencies - thus the reason for auto room setup and equalization.

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