Hi all,
got some doubts about THX Certification.
As we all know, nowadays more and more manufacturers are launching THX certified receivers at very competitive prices.
That makes me wonder why some well known top end manufacturers (like Denon & Marantz, for example) only have THX certified gears available at the mid-to- high end ranges. By the way, never heard about a SONY receiver having THX certification. Is there any we don't know??
Have heard someone saying that - as a comparison - Denon 3805 is by far better than several Yammies, Pioneers and Kenwoods wich are THX badged.
It's just like saying: I don't need that badge at all... I'm good enough.
Probably that's a marketing strategy for those manufacturers anyway.
Another point I'd like to discuss is the price factor between THX SELECT CERTIFIED and THX ULTRA 2 CERTIFIED receivers.
There's indeed a huge price difference between them, being the ULTRA 2, as far as I'm concerned, only applied to the flagship models.
Let's get this example:
YAMMIE 4600 @ 1,900 ( THX SELECT )
DENON 4806 @ 3,500 ( THX ULTRA 2 )
I know that the 4806 has many more features as to justify such a price difference, but again there's the THX ULTRA 2 point. I really don't know; perhaps it's just a matter of royalties between the 2 certifications.
I'm planning to upgrade my receiver this year (I own a Denon 2803) and after several researches I'm narrowing my choices down to 3 brands:
Denon 3805, Yammie 2500 and HK 7300.
There's another one coming on the list and that is basically where lies all my concerns: JVC RXDP15 (the only one which is THX ULTRA 2 CERTIFIED). Being a flagship model (same as HK) and being sold at $ 1,300 brand new (at Vanns), it makes me wonder whether this could be the best bet.
Just cross-checking the MSRP's between the 4 brands (all brand new ones with full manufacturer's warranty):
JVC = $ 1,300
HK - $ 1,300
DENON - $ 1,200
YAMMIE- $ 1,000
Would appreciate to know if someone knows more about the above JVC gear and if that "supposed advantage" (THX Ultra 2) makes JVC to stand out of the crowd.
My logical ranking order's choice is:
1) HK
But what about the JVC?? By cross-cheking all specs, I would rank the JVC as the 2nd choice, with good chances to become # 1, if the THX issue plays and important role (as well as the other specs, of course).