You are talking about the NHT Xd system - satellites, stands, cables, sub, and DSP/amp for $6000. I just bought one - sold off a pair of Genesis V speakers and a Pass Labs X250 to finance it. The control unit includes 150 watts per driver (each driver gets its own amp!) + the twin woofers get another 500 watts.
These are as good as anything I've heard at *any* price (the Gens I owned were $15,000 speakers, the amp $6000). You really have to hear these things live. The only limitations are extreme bass (below 25 hertz) and extreme volume (they play plenty loud, though at the end, you get a sense they're working to do it).
Good luck finding a pair to listen to - these things are flying out the door (I bought the store's demo) and they are back ordered. You will not be disappointed if you get a chance to hear them.
Tell your girlfriend she has exceptional taste.
This was written before the release of the Xds, so some of what you read does not apply, such as the rated output, and the fact that they had finished pre-release "tweaking" of the system, etc.