You must know Bob Brozman? He
literally wrote the book on
National Guitars. I recommend
Live Now as for the albums I've heard. I've been lucky to hear him live as well. He comes down where I live about once a year if only to represent National Guitars at the NAMM show. Unfortunately for us, he is more appreciated in Europe, and so that's where he plays most of his shows AFAIK.
My good friend has done these two week courses with him. Full of energy this guy. The box that he sits on for performances is used a lot as a percussion device. Sometimes in the middle of a tune, he just drops the guitar altogether, and freaks out on it.
A huge portion of the stuff he plays is basically variations on the blues as evolved on various colonized islands. Trinidad, Reunion, etc, where 3 vs 2 rhythms are pervasive. I'm a big fan. Anyways, just did a quick search on youtube and randomly decided to attach this one.