I have a question for any of you jaded pro/ or amateur installers out there. I am a sound engineer, but I find this home stereo wiring more of a conundrum than the full tilt recording studio we have here.
I have a
SonyKD-34XBR960 with 1 HDMI connector
Pioneeer VSX 56 TXI Receiver with Composite and Coax digital audio connectors
Oppo DV-960 I bought here at Audioholics with HDMI and Composite
and a Explorer 4250 HD Cable Box with HDMI connectors.
I have everything running fine. with Oppo going to the reciever via Composite and Coax audio. Cable box feeds the Sony TV via HDMI. However, how can I run the Oppo so it can bump up the resolution ( via HDMI) if I cannot run it via HDMI into the receiver as it has no HDMI?
Any ideas?
Picture is fine via composite on DVD, but as I understand it cannot go above 480i/480p with Composite, whereas HDMI I can convert DVD up to 1080.
I'd rather not unplug DVD and cable box for varied use. The Receiver and Oppo DVD are also about 15 feet away from the TV.
Maybe I should just live with Composite via DVD?
Appreciate any thoughts.
Jon Pousette-Dart