Hooking DefTech BP7004 to DefTech SuperCube I



Can I hook up my DefTech BP7004 to my DefTech SuperCube I? I have been reading bout how to hook them up to a amp/reciever using the LFE conection but right now I'm using that spot on my reciever for my stand alone sub. Ive noticed on the back of the sub it has inputs and wasnt sure if I can hook my BP7004 to the sub vs the LFE to the amp its self.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
If you want to use both I would just get a Y-splitter and split the LFE out of the receiver to the Sub and the 7004. Usually the output on a sub will be a high pass filter only send out frequencies above the crossover point.


Audioholic General
I would not use the "subs" built into those towers as full range subs, in fact I would consider them mid bass drivers at best. I have the 7001s and have them crossed at 40Hz. when set to Large or using the built in subs as subwoofers, the bass becomes muddy and bloated (caused by oevr excersion on the drivers), especially with the lesser 7XXX series I would just hook them up to your mains using plain old 12-16 gauge speaker wire and set the recievers crossover to 40Hz, then all the siganls below 40Hz will be sent to your stand alone sub (which is better built to handle the real low end (unlike the powered towers)

Also by doing what you plan on will get you more inherent problems with possible ground loop hums, double crossovers and most likely lower frequency cancellations with multiple subs trying to reproduce the same frequencies. By setting the 7004s to 40Hz via the reciever there is no issue with frequency cancellation, because everything from 40-80hz is being handled by the towers, everything below 40Hz is being done by the Supercube 1, you are going to find that your bass is tighter, more well controlled, no overlapping frequencies and by placing the sub on the opposite side of the towers you are going to get more overall bass response, by having the towers handle alot of the bass that movie soundtracks are mixed for and your supercube has more power on reserve for the real low end since it doesnt have to handle anything above 40Hz.

Give it a try and I guarantee that this way is far easier to hook up, has less issues that may arise and will give you far better and tighter bass.


Thanks MatthewB
Now my only problem is how do I set my Pioneer Elite vsx81 to the 40Hz that your talking about. The way my reciever is set up is by using the external mic to adjust all the speakers for my room. I Do not have the have the 7004 but will be getting them very soon tho. I have Bostons that are like the 7004 but a little smaller tho kinda like the 7006 for fronts clr 2002 for center bpx for backs and the supercube I on floor to right of right speaker. I'm just wanting the most power/sound that I can get out of my set up when watching movies. You post is very helpful just unsure how to replicate your advice by using the pioneer reciever. Thanks in advance.


Thanks MatthewB
Now my only problem is how do I set my Pioneer Elite vsx81 to the 40Hz that your talking about. The way my reciever is set up is by using the external mic to adjust all the speakers for my room. I Do not have the have the 7004 but will be getting them very soon tho. I have Bostons that are like the 7004 but a little smaller tho kinda like the 7006 for fronts clr 2002 for center bpx for backs and the supercube I on floor to right of right speaker. I'm just wanting the most power/sound that I can get out of my set up when watching movies. You post is very helpful just unsure how to replicate your advice by using the pioneer reciever. Thanks in advance.


Audioholic Jedi
adk highlander mentioned one way to do it: getting Y-splitters: you would need TWO Y-Splitters or Y-adapters: 1 Y connected to Another Y = 3 LFE outputs: 1) SC-I 2) BP7004 3) BP7004.


A second way is to simply use speaker wires and have the receiver send the <40Hz sound to both the subwoofer and to any LARGE/FULL RANGE speakers.

Set the receiver's crossover @ 40Hz PLUS set the front Left + Right speakers to LARGE/FULL RANGE, instead of SMALL. Now the receiver will send the LFE to both the subwoofer and to the BP7004.

The BP7004's internal crossover will send the <40Hz sound to the built-in subs and the >40Hz sound to the other drivers.

Start the subwoofer level on the BP7004 @ 11 o'clock position and increase (clockwise) unless the bass gets too boomy. I set all my built-in subs @ 11 o'clock.:D


Audioholic Ninja
The Pioneer uses global bass management (pg. 43), and given your speaker setup (7004, 2002, BPX), I wouldn't set the crossover lower than 60 Hz.


Audioholic General
I agree with AVRat and that's teh one thing I hate about Pioneer is that stupid universal crossover, so go with 60Hz all around. either that or upgrade the reciever to a Denon or Onkyo :D

I have mismatched speakers DT 7001s (mains) LCR2002 (center) Studio 450's (side surrounds) and Mythos gems (rear surrounds - was a placement issue) so I had to go with a reciever that had individual channel crossover. But i also have a Prosub 1000 hooked up to my center only and Prosub 800 for the Mythos gems (all for deeper bass response and a SVS PB12 NSD/2 for the real low end (prosubs are both crossed at 40Hz) so I get a fluid 40Hz all across the front, 70Hz from the sides and 40Hz from the rears and teh SVS handles anything below that.


Thanks to everyone. Ill try your guys advice and see where it takes me but I do link that Ill just use my DefTech Supercube I as my only sub input on my reciever.


I have a question. I see that u have the denon receiver. I just got the 3312ci. So my question is what crossover freq should I use with my set up and how to set it up the best way? I have def tech 7002, clr2002, box, and supercube I. What's the best set up for movies. music? games? Want the best set up.

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