Ok, here is the deal. I am a car stereo "instalator!" And also a huge home audio/theater buff. For fun, I have decided to build my own subwoofer. I am going to be using 2 10" Kicker L7 subs (4ohm DVC). They are 600 watts rms each. I will have them at 4ohms together. What do I need to push these. I am making a sealed box for them, the specs and all will be right. But I have found that finding a home theater sub amp is hard and confusing. The only one I've found is a plate amp on *****************. But as u know, not all watts are created equal. It says it is 1000watts. But there are alot of car stereo amps that say alot and have no chaonez (ballz). A Friend of mine said I could use a parasound 2125. Which is 400 watts bridged into 4ohms (that would be 200 watts rms to each sub). Which blows my mind cause thats way under 600 watts, but it is high current at 35 amps. Do you guys think this will do it? Or do u have something else inmind. I also do have a connection with parasound equipment. I would like to have muh beloved knobs on the amp for crossovers and stuff, but I can just use the xovers in my hk avr335. Anyways, u guys probably know more than me. So I'd love to hear what u have to say about it.