Good thing this home theatre business is a love and not a hobby. Or I would have quit a long time ago. I had to take a small hiatus working on my room. I needed to put a new roof on my house, replace part of the heating system, etc. Oh yeah I almost forgot, I just had a recent addition to the family, my son Nicholas. Shai-Hulud!
So with all of those things I've been busy over the past three months. So I'm not sure if this counts as week 9 or week 23 for working on the room. I'm leaning toward week 9, just because I did nothing with the room at all during this time, not even buying any new DVDs, because I wanted everything finished.
So here are the pics of the surrounds (Axiom QS8's) going up. Man do I love these speakers! I also have to give a shout out to Toggler brand wall anchors. I definitely recommend their anchors.
Future plans for the room include:
Upgrading/replacing the screen.
Possibly replacing the center with Axiom's VP150. I'm not sure though.
Installing some home made theater logo signs from my last home theatre.
Replacing the carpet.
My current receiver doesn't support using the presence speakers at the same time with the rear surrounds, so I'll probably wait on the rear speakers, until Yamaha gets a receiver that outputs all of the signals down into my price range.