Home theatre system



I need some recommendations for a home theatre system. My room (converted garage) is 22' x23' with an 8' ceiling. I laid laminate flooring on conrete with a foam rubber type underlayment. Three of the walls are complete sheetrock, with the exception of a couple of interior doors on two of the walls. The fourth wall has windows and a door, which I ran medium density curtains to cover the entire span. I plan on hanging a plasma televison on one of the 22' walls. Facing said wall will be two rows of three-seat home theatre seating sectionals.

So with a room this size will I need two subwoofers? 5,6, or 7.1? I have a budget of $3000.00 for the receiver, dvd player, and speakers. Any help would be appreciated.


Senior Audioholic
That's a very tough and generic question you just asked. Without specific details as to your listening material and usage of the system I can't get into specific brands for the audio. I will answer you in generalities based on my proffesional opinion and experiences.

Here's what I suggest...

Scrap the 50" or so plasma TV. In a room with that much space go with something like an Epson LCD projector. I just tried one out and think it's a fabulous product with a good price point. It's MSRP is at $1600. Get some Goo screen paint (which I am never a fan of, but you are on a budget and this will blow a plasma away) and paint an entire wall. I suggest doing the entire wall so that you don't have to build any sort of frame. This also looks cool if you paint the other 3 walls something dark and let the white/gray Goo wall serve as a sort of reverse accent wall. The color "Ink" (flat sheen) from Sherwin Williams is great for a theater and goes good with the white or gray. Total cost for the video is around $2200 MSRP but you will have a picture over twice the size of a 50" plasma with better picture quality for your movies. I also suggest the Epson because it's a dedicate theater projector, not some multimedia projector hacked up with a fancy case. It also has some really cool features like horizontal lens shift, so you can mount it right up on the ceiling. Epson make the LCD pannels for most LCD projectors out there and they have a two year full replacement warranty. I fully endorse their projectors over anything else in that market space.

For audio... at $3K you can't get too crazy. Would two subwoofers be better? Well, yeah, but your budget deosn't allow for two good ones. One good sub will have to do. Spend $550 on a good Marantz or Denon receiver, $250 on wire, and that leaves $2200 for speakers & DVD. Get the best matching set you can afford (I would not do inwalls since you are more than likely installing them on an outside wall). Bookshelves, not towers, will give you the best sound for your $ on your budget. Appropriate the most of the $2200 for speakers on the sub. I would spend $750 on the sub, $300 - $400 on in ceiling speakers, and the rest on the front three (remember DO NOT mix and match brands of model lines), DVD player, projector mount, and speaker stands. Wire for 7.2, but buy for 5.1 and see how you like it.

Note: Try to get a deal on all of the speakers and with the money saved buy an X-Box360 premium bundle ($400) for your DVD and you can add the HD-DVD attachment for $200 later (no, it won't do 1080p, but neither will your projector). I would also recommend getting a Harmony remote to controll everything.

PS... That budget is tough. I usually tell my customers that without $6,500 - $8K to invest in a system (not including the room) it's not a good idea for a dedicated theater. Most people want to be wowed when having a dedicated room like that and it's tough to do for under that (my opinion). Your budget is under $6K for video and audio I am assuming, but it can be done with a few compromises.


Audioholic Intern
Hay This Sounds Like My Room.

I Whent With The Definitive Bp Towers With Built In Subs, It Covers The Room Nice..i Like Them Because You Get The Sub Base From The Same Source As The Sound. It Really Makes A Difference When Listening To Music.

I Have The Yamaha Rx V1700 In A 5.1 Setup.


Left some stuff out

Thanks for the info. Have a couple questions about the projector and my ceiling height. With only 8' high ceilings, how far back will I have to place the projector to get the best and largest picture, and does it matter if the viewer is in front or behind the projector?

I figured I would have needed a higher ceiling for a projector. Also, building a frame, almost anything, is not a problem. "My Dad's a television repairman and has this awesome set of tools!" Love that quote.

I would be using the room mostly for movies and sports, don't own any games (xbox, etc). Poker table will be in the room also, so not a completely dedicated theatre. Also will be listening to music, country, rock and roll, no rap.

I'm slowly putting it together, crown moulding is primed and painted and getting hung next week (it's Mardi Gras this weekend). So if something costs a little more, I can wait a little longer, work more O/T, and do it right. Thanks, Jeff


Audioholic Warlord
Do you need 1080p? If not look at this.


You don't need 2 subs for that sized room. One SVS PB12-Plus/2 or HSU Turbo sub would work. You might not even need subs this big. E-mail SVS and HSU and ask their opinions.



and for speakers,


340 mains, 340 center, 170 rears.



You could always run without a sub for awhile until more funds are available. Or just blow the budget.


Audioholic Ninja
Projector mounting

cogslave said:
Thanks for the info. Have a couple questions about the projector and my ceiling height. With only 8' high ceilings, how far back will I have to place the projector to get the best and largest picture, and does it matter if the viewer is in front or behind the projector?
Some of the new projectors including the Panny and Sanyo models have extensive lense shift and zoom range allowing them to be installed on the celing, rear shelf, or table in virtually any room.

The optoma HD70 is a great projector for <$1k, but its lack of zoom and lense shift makes it not suitable for all installations. ProjectorCenteral.com has plenty of projector reviews as wells as calculators for screen size vs. mounting location.


Wife Factor

Due to the wife factor, the projector isn't going to happen. It's just going to make life a whole lot easier with the plasma. However, I have decided to up the budget a bit and go with a better sound system. After looking at what's out there, specifically SVS, Hsu, etc., I WANT IT!

Now then, I know Hsu and SVS specialize in subs, but they also offer speakers. Would I be making a mistake buying an entire speaker package from one of these folks? Or are the speakers from places like Ascend, AV123, etc., going to sound a whole lot better?

So let's re-evaluate my budget and make it $3500 for the sound system. For the receiver, sub, speakers, and whatever else I will need to make it sound like it should.

Your input is appreciated, Jeff


Audioholic Slumlord
I like Infinity probably because I don't know any different so while making a suggestion I'm really asking a question. Theaudiovideosourse sells reman Infinity speakers with a full warranty and the Harman Audio store on eBay does the same with receivers.

After taking a quick look at the Ascend 340's I had to wonder if they out classed the Beta 50's. The prices are similar and both are fully warrantied so the question becomes one of quality and performance.

Ascend 340 or Beta 50?

BTW Nice garage. You do that on your own or with a contractor?

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