Home theater upgrade - center speaker and more



Hello. This is my first posting. I'm in the process of upgrading my HT and have gone about it in somewhat of a hodgepodge manner. Here is what I currently have:

Pioneer PDP-433CMX Plasma display
Krell Kav-250A/250P - Pre Amp and Amp for Fronts
B&W Matrix 803 Series 2 - Front Speakers
Rotel RB-985 5 Channel Amp
I have 3 center speakers to choose from and can't decide which to use, but they are: Energy XL-C, Infinity Kappa Video (I don't even see a model # on this. It is at least 15 years old. It may be KV 005120), and finally Dantax Vision Center. Right now I'm using the Energy as it seems the clearest, but still lacking.
Magnat All Ribbon 4's - Sides
Boston Acoustics HD5 bookshelf speakers - Rear surrounds
I have all this running through an Outlaw Model 950 as a preamp and surround processor/switcher.

I have a few questions: Until I get the new center, which of the 3 would you suggest using. I know the obvious answer is whichever I think sounds best, so maybe I should rephrase it. Are these even in the same category? The Energy seems the best of a poor lot, but by very little. Is there a center speaker that would be a good fit for this system? I'm disabled and not able to get out to preview speakers so I'm going to get this by reading reviews and getting advice online and then either getting it on ebay or somewhere else online. I've seen a paradigm studio CC on ebay for around $225 and B&W S3's for less than $200.

I'd like to try and keep my cost under $450 and if I can get something used for that, that would be of the caliber of the stuff I have up front I'd be happy. I'm just unsure of what speakers would qualify. I've seen Axiom and was intriuged. I guess my final question is: are the Magnat and BA's sufficient for surrounds or should I be looking to upgrade those as well? That would be later, though. Thanks, and sorry I'm all over the place.

Oh yeah, I probably will use this for half music and half theater.



MacManNM said:
I would say go without a center until you can get a good center to match the 803's.

http://www.bwspeakers.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/products.models/label/Model HTM2D

This is a great center. I wouldn't degrade my system with an inferior center. just run in phantom mode.
Agreed. IF you can run in "phantom” mode, you might find that it actually sounds better than using a dedicated center, though only if you are sitting on axis dead center between each front speaker. The center is more for the people sitting off axis.

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