You could quite possibly get a great start by purchasing some previously owned equipment. If you handed me $800 I could do wonders. First I would be patient. Getting into a hurry will most often leave you dissatisfied. Try to find a Yamaha rx-v 2400 or 2500 for about $350-400. It's easier than you think. Most, not all, but most equipment deprecciates greatly due to bells and whistles that the Jones's must have thus offering great deals to you and I my friend. A Denon 3802, 2805.Where...I'll get to that in a moment. I recently saw some rbh 661's for less than $600 a pr. Thats mind boggling cheap. Enough about components for the time being. What are your needs first and secondly wants? Panny has component vid inputs at least right? Digi vid input? That will help you decide which dvd source player to purchase. Many recvr's have digi vid inputs and outs but not on your budget. So, hunt for a recv'r with 7 channels. This will allow you to have a theater setup and a pair of speakers on the deck or in bedroom. Or use all channels for 7 spkrs theater setup. Buy the best spkrs you can even if it means getting main L/R, and Center for now. You can add surrounds later or use some elcheapos until you get your fat bonus check at the end of the year. What?, no bonus either. Seriously, pm me and I'll try to help. I slowly but surely started the whole ht thing about 2 yrs ago and am now content. I have been a 2 channel/music guy for 25+ years. Had a cd player before they were released in the states! ( purchased while in Germany still in H. cdp-501es) You will see for yourself that it's an addiction once you get going. But as with any it responsibly!