I have a small tv area in the den that is connected to the kitchen. Its a long rectangular room with the kitchen on one end and the den on the other. The TV is about 7-8 feet in front of the couch. Then the kitchen is about 25 feet to the left of that and they currently have 2 speakers over the kitchen sink area because you can't hear the TV if you're doing dishes without having to turn it up so loud that you're blowing someone off of the couch unless you have those 2 extra speakers by the sink. They have an old Denon receiver and 4 bose speakers. They want to be able to use the speakers easily with regular TV, apple TV, DVD, and itunes on their phones with bluetooth connectivity. I need suggestions on what works well with the room setup and size and is very user friendly. This is for my 60+ year old parents home. They don't have an unlimited budget but I'm open to any suggestions. Thanks for your help.