Jutsuka said:
My question is this; how much of the performance resides with the speakers and how much with the receiver/amp setup? If the speakers are that good, can what's pushing them REALLY make that much of a difference.
Bingo! You got it right from the get go. The sound quality in general is:
90% Speakers and room acoustics.
10% Everything else
As long as you have a quality amp with enough power to run the particular speakers you choose you are sell set there.
Big dividends are gotten by having your room acoustically treated as another poster mentioned.
My prescription:
Obsess about speakers
Obsess about room treatments
Do not obsess about amp/preamps, DVD players, speaker wire or other connections, expensive power cords, power conditioners etc etc.
Be prepared to have some store reps think you are ill informed about the matters above. Now that you started this thread and read the replies, you probably know more than most of them about electronics and how it impacts (actually does not impact for the most part) sound quality.
Bluejean cables who advertise here is a good place to get all the interconnects and cables you need.
If you run across a piece of hardware that really appeals to you like, say power conditioner, and you know that it will not impact sound, but that has hugh cool factor to you, and it's not crazy expensive, GET IT! This is a hobby and IMO having some neat stuff is fine, and you do not have to justify it other than you just happen to really like it.
IMHO, YMMY yadda yadda.
End of rant for now. Good luck!