Both the 9300TX that I had previously and the 56TXi have very robust power supplies and power reserves. Their power supplies weigh about 15, which you'll notice the first time you pick it up because it's all on the left side of the receiver(if I'm not mistaken). Also, aside from the Audyssey set-up on the Denon 5305 that makes you place the mic in several different areas in the room, I think you'll find that Pioneer's MCACC is about the most precise auto set-up you can find at this point in time.
Besides, it's tuned by AIR studios. Now those guys know what sound it suppossed to sound like. Do a google search for AIR studios if you don't know who they are, but they were set up in the 70's by Sir George Martin, the Beatles producer, but they also do production work for many artists and movie studios.
It just has a great feature set and it's worth at least twice what it's going for on Ubid. At $500, you're almost stealing it. I feel no hesitation at all when I say that there is nothing else comparable that you can get right now for $500 NEW that will have the versatility and power that receiver has. Also, I know some people don't care, but it is THX certified which means different things to different people. In this case, it means that it passed a certain set of fairly stringent parameters for power, output and quality. George Lucas is not fool. He wouldn't release episodes 1,2 and 3 to theaters that didn't have digital projectors initially because he was that concerned with the quality of the finished product. This merely makes sure you get a consistant experience from movie to movie.