Thought about the low power integrateds:
NAD C316BEE would probably work even though it's 40wpc, but NAD always had the dynamic power for transients. There's also the hard to find Pioneer Elite A-20 on Amazon for $249 with 50 wpc into 4 ohm, but not sure if that is enough power for my Infinity Qb's which can take a lot at loud levels. I had a Pioneer SX-3600 (30 wpc) that ran out of juice with these speakers. My vintage Realistic STA-2000D (75 wpc) has enough.
Rambling on.......would love a vintage receiver or integrated that's been restored and recapped but they are pricey. So, hunting for the right modern kit to work with what I have. The Onkyo A-9050 would be ideal but out of budget.
So, down to the HK 3490.....probably the best bet for me with the good power amp. Does it use discrete transistors or power pack IC's?