I just got my new gaming rig done and it really cooks but the problem i'm having is a high-pitch, not super loud but definately noticeable and very annoying coming through my speakers only when a game fires up and the video card fans really get going.
I've got audio and video ran to marantz av7005 via hdmi and from there to display via hdmi.... i've got all my expensive gear plugged into a high end surge protector any ideas where to start tracing this sound down at?
I've tried various combinations of not running different things through the surge protector trying different receptacles etc... to no avail
I've got my preamp and amplifier in my entertainment center... so speaker cabling, signal cabling and power c abling is in close proximity i've really got know way around that. I never had a problem with the noise on my older pc when running sound via the optic cable.
any ideas what the culprit may be