I've yet to see anything from URC which touches the level of reliability and quality that Crestron provides. Crestron went so far as to utlize URCs remotes for their products using the MX-850 from URC as well as the MX-3000, but then they went to their own RF gateway system which allowed far greater range, and far more reliability for RF reception which has always been hit or miss with certain products and has been a complaint of installers for as long as I've been in the business.
Now, will the URC do the job? Very likely, yes. But, will it be 100% reliable all the time as you will find from a Crestron remote? That's a big question that can't be answered as simply as saying 'yes', because it depends on your room, the exact gear in use, and the reliability and controllability of that gear. Some gear will work really well, and other gear simply will not.
When you get iffy gear, then the Crestron system tends to really shine in the versatility of utilizing a true programmed system which can send multiple codes, multiple times, and logically track system changes, as well as offer up some gear which can check things like power status.
For the PS3, you would want to get the IR to Bluetooth converter called the IR4PS3 which doesn't have a website, but comes down from Canada and has excellent reviews.
I've programmed Harmony, URC, and Crestron and in my experience, there is nothing that touches Crestron for consistent reliability.
Unfortunately, price is extremely significant. An Ethernet enabled control system will run over $1,000 and the remote will run an additional $1,000.
On the other hand, I've programmed hundreds of systems and typically I don't train people on how to use it. I leave the house on Friday and call them on Monday to see if they have questions. Generally, the answer is 'no'. So, it really is phenomenally easy to use.
Programming will typically run at least an additional $1,000 for a fairly straightforward theater setup as well.
It is, in my opinion, the definition of what high end is. It's extremely high quality in build, it is phenomenally reliable, it carries a 3-year warranty, it is infinitely configurable.
Can other products come close? Yes! Can they match it? Not in my experience.