Dan Banquer said:
Thanks, it was a truly lovely and informative article as far as it went. The issue being that it didn't go far enough to answer my question.
Based on your information and other reading I've been doing, I'll attempt to clearly lay out both what I'm after and what I've found to date in the hope that you more knowledgeable folks can extend or correct it.
First the goal we're after. My understanding is that a preamp puts out a signal that essentially consists of a varying voltage and the job of the amplifier is to amplify that signal to a level that will adequately drive the speakers. The ideal is the so-called 'straight wire with gain' in which there is a linear relationship between the preamp's voltage output and the amp's voltage output. If that relationship become nonlinear, it's considered
Now, avoiding
'Bad' is complicated by the fact that a speakers impedance varies with frequency, and can vary quite a bit. For example, looking at the curves for the
EPOS M5, it bounces between about 4 Ω and 12-14 Ω three times over its range.
Theil CS 2.3, the next generation of a speaker I happen to own, goes from 2 Ω at 450 hz to over 20 Ω at 20 hz. Given that the speaker is seeing a composite signal which is rapidly varying, it can see a very rapid, dare we call it 'instantaneous' change in the impedance load it presents to the amp. If the amp can't adapt fast enough to this changing load, then I would assume that the effect would be some sort of nonlinearity in the output, which we have defined as
So, how might this relate to the current. Let's stay with the published specs of the Theil. It is rated at an output sensitivity of 87 db/watt. Let's assume one is listening at an average level of 80 db to material where the most dynamic passages could hit 114 db. Given that a Redbook CD has a possible dynamic range of 96 db or more, assuming a 34 db jump to the maximum transient seems reasonable.
OK.. let's see what we need to service such a transient peak. First, if one watt is giving us 87 db, how many watts will we need to get 114. Now we know that doubling of the power gives us 3 db more volume, so it's pretty easy to determine that we'd need 512 watts, at least for a few milliseconds to properly service that peak.
Assuming that our amp is up to the task, what current would be needed? Mr. Banquer tells us that:
Power = Current squared times the resistance.
Current = The SquareRoot of (Power divided by Resistance.)
Now looking at that equation we see that the lower the Resistance, the greater the current that would be required. So, for the Theil, the lowest impedance we see is 2 Ω, so if we substitute 2 Ω and 512 Watts into the equation and solve for Current, we find that we'd need a maximum of 16 amps to maintain the signal under the worst case.
Ah Ha! But, my experience has been that electronic circuits tend to become nonlinear at their extremes, and as we said, nonlinear is
'Bad'. Back when I was involved in precision measurements, I found that keeping my signal generating and measurement devices working at about the middle of their potential ranges give, all around the best results. So, if I applied that here, I would be looking for an amp that had an 'instantaneous' current capacity of about 30 amps to meet the stated requirements with these speakers.
So, I conclude that there is some value in knowing the Instantaneous Current, and it has an effect. I would conclude that of the two amps I mentioned in my initial posting, the 20 amp-amp is probably too light to be a good match with my Theil CS 2.2's (assuming that they have a similar impedance curve to the 2.3's), and that the 40 amp-amp would be ample
I invite informed comments.