Hey, quick question...



Ok, I just thought I would ask this in here because this is about th eonly section I troll. Anywho, yesterday I was running some test sweeps through my sub and I noticed something... I forgot to turn off my mains so that it was just my sub. I figured hey, the crossover freq is set at 80 so everything under that goes to the sub right....wrong. I just happened to have my speaker grills off and I noticed the moving....LOTS, I had no idea the excursion length was so great on my so so yami mains. Anywho, I dodnt kell them but they were moving at the 18Hz tone but here is my question....why in gods name would they be even getting that signal??? I thought all that is supposed to go to the sub. In the receiver I have the bass whatever setting set to both, should I set it to just sub? Not sure whats the deal but If I am watching a movie at reference level and a 20Hz explosion occurs, I don't want my mains to die...:rolleyes: Thanks.



Audioholic Ninja
Your mains are set to "small" in your receiver menu, right?
Mr. Lamb Fries

Mr. Lamb Fries

Full Audioholic
jaxvon said:
Your mains are set to "small" in your receiver menu, right?

That would be my guess as well. If the X over is set at 80 then the signal from the receiver sends 80 and under to the LFE out. That goes to your sub. the mains are either set large or small. if its set to small, the receiver sends the signal from 80 and up to the mains. if its set to large, the receiver still sends the full signal to the mains.


Exactly. I set them to small way back when. That is one of the first things i checked. I am not sure what is going on. In the menu I have everything set to small, and then whatever that sub setting is for fron or both, I have it set to both and then sub Xover set to 80... Should I set that setting at sub only instead of both... Not sure, sorry, i realize that this has turned into a topic no belonging in this section.



Audioholic Warlord
Yamaha's are touchy this way. You need to have mains set to small AND bass set to subwoofer, then hit set. Sometimes it doesn't go. I have the same problem.

Sometimes when I switch between inputs it changes things so the mains are running large.



I will try that tonight. I am going to watch War of the Worlds again...see i can pop drywall seams.:p


Audioholic Ninja
Sheep said:
You need to have mains set to small AND bass set to subwoofer, then hit set.
This is most likely the problem. I noticed this quirk in the Yammy setup too.


Audioholic Spartan
A subwoofer setting of Both implies Mains set to Large. Most receivers will not let you choose Both (Double Bass, LFE+Main, Plus, whatever) if the mains are not set to Large. Maybe the Yamaha automatically sets the mains to Large when you choose Both for the sub setting, maybe it is finicky. Older Yamaha manuals I have read specifically state that as the case.

When the Mains are set to Large, they get a full range signal. With Both, any bass below the xover that is sent to the mains will also go to the sub. Generally you want all channels Small and subwoofer set to Sub only. Note that a xover is not a brickwall filter and some frequencies below the xover point will still go to the Mains even if they are set to Small - they will just be greatly attenuated.


Thanks all, that makes sense. I will set everything to small, then bass to sub only and set it that way. The only thing i am not sure about is actually hitting "set" is that on the menu, remote or what...



Audioholic Warlord
bmccord said:
Thanks all, that makes sense. I will set everything to small, then bass to sub only and set it that way. The only thing i am not sure about is actually hitting "set" is that on the menu, remote or what...

On my Yammy, its at the bottom, after you have gone through all the setups.. Though this might be in the basic menu.



Well, that worked, not LFE's from the mains. It had switched back to large for fronts. However, I did not find a "set" button. I will look some more tonight but I just went through and set it up manually and it works fine now. Thanks all.



Audioholic Spartan
I recall others asking the question about saving the settings too and I think you have to hit the down arrow or right arrow button to save. The manual should describe the process.


Ah, the manual. That big book thingy that tells you how to do stuff. Those are overrated... Well, then I set it correctly then as using the down arrow advances it to the next menu saving the previous...



Audioholic Warlord
I just checked, the set option is in the basic menu, not the sound menu. Just hitting the down arrow to exit should be all you need.


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