
Audioholic Intern
The last post I did helped out alot thanks. I have another question regarding my new Yamaha RXV2500. I can't seem to get it to auto sense the audio it needs to be in such as DTS if I'm watching a movie with DTS. It seems to put it in THX all the time. Maybe I'm missing something and need to mess around with it more. Also the speakers I have are Polk Audio listed below and when I bought them the dealer said to put the low pass HZ on the back of the sub half way (90HZ). Yamaha says put it on max. Which is correct. I have all my speakers set to large with the crossover at 80HZ. Again, when I do the auto setup the receiver sets all the speakers to large and sets the crossover at 60HZ. It says that if I am using THX speakers (don't know if I am or not) set speakers to small or small X2 and set Xover to 80 HZ. If any can help me or if you have a similar setup such as speakers and/or receiver and know which way is the best setup to listen to movies and music. Thanks, I will be leaving for work and will get back with replies in the morning.

Polk Audio
Rti 12’s 9 (front)
Rti 4’s (rear surround)
Csi 5 (center)
PSW 505 (subwoofer)
50” Sony Grand Wega LCD projection
Yamaha RXV2500 receiver
Sony DVP725P DVD player
Dish network 811 HDTV receiver
Sony Playstation 2


Audioholic General
you will want to set your sub crossover all the way up (like at 200), so the receiver will control the final setting.

you will also want to set your main speakers to "small" and work between 60, 70, and probably 80 Hz to find which gives you the best sound.

I'm not completely sure about the DTS issue, but this is a possibility:

you might take a good look at the display. There are two places THX can show up. see page 9 of the manual. autodetected DTS or THX will show as item 1 on the display (for the decoder indicator type), and selected THX will show in item 17 (for the selected DSP). you can have a decoded DTS that is played with the selected THX DSP.

If you are getting sound when you set a DVD to DTS from the DVD menu, the receiver is translating something. DTS is auto-detected, while THX can be a setting you choose. You can detect DTS, but can have most of the DSP's to what you set them.


Audioholic General
This is a quick suggestion, have you checked your DVD player's setup to make sure you have DTS enabled? Many come from the factory with it disabled. You also have to be playing a DVD with DTS encoded on it, not all DVDs have a DTS soundtrack. Also even if the DVD has DTS on it you may have to go into the setup menu for that particular DVD and select the DTS track instead of the Dolby Digital one. The first and fourth sentence are different topics, one dealing with the setup of your DVD player, the other with individual DVDs. Good luck.


Full Audioholic
firefighterchri said:
The last post I did helped out alot thanks. I have another question regarding my new Yamaha RXV2500. I can't seem to get it to auto sense the audio it needs to be in such as DTS if I'm watching a movie with DTS. It seems to put it in THX all the time. Maybe I'm missing something and need to mess around with it more. Also the speakers I have are Polk Audio listed below and when I bought them the dealer said to put the low pass HZ on the back of the sub half way (90HZ). Yamaha says put it on max. Which is correct. I have all my speakers set to large with the crossover at 80HZ. Again, when I do the auto setup the receiver sets all the speakers to large and sets the crossover at 60HZ. It says that if I am using THX speakers (don't know if I am or not) set speakers to small or small X2 and set Xover to 80 HZ. If any can help me or if you have a similar setup such as speakers and/or receiver and know which way is the best setup to listen to movies and music. Thanks, I will be leaving for work and will get back with replies in the morning.

Polk Audio
Rti 12’s 9 (front)
Rti 4’s (rear surround)
Csi 5 (center)
PSW 505 (subwoofer)
50” Sony Grand Wega LCD projection
Yamaha RXV2500 receiver
Sony DVP725P DVD player
Dish network 811 HDTV receiver
Sony Playstation 2

The responses are good info especially concerning DTS decoding. Not all, few in fact, dvd's are 'flagged' or have a signal code that lets recv'r know it is DTS encoded. I have my 2500 set to 'auto' on the dvd input select. Again, this does not mean that whenever I play a movie that has DTS encoding that the 2500 will detect it and select DTS mode for me. I sometimes must manually go to dvd menu and choose the sountrack I desire. As far as spk'r settings are concerned I think you are in the ballpark. Turn sub x-over to highest freq(180-200hz?), then use bass management via 2500. I'm not familiar with your spkr's but are they capable of producing good bass on their own(solid 40's hz?), if so you may want to choose large setting and select 'both' in the 'bass out' via the GUI on recv'r. This sends low freq's and LFE to fronts and sub. Play around with it and choose what YOU think sounds best. You are not going to hurt anything. I have a 5.1 setup and set my mains/center to Lrg and surrounds to Sm. with bass out to front. I don't use a seperate sub as my mains have built-in subs.


Audioholic Intern
Thanks for all the replies. Everything seems to sound great the way it is it just that when I put it in DTS mode it sounds more rich, but if I put it in THX with dts or THX by itself it seems to sound warmer or I should say less rich. Yes my mains are capable of low 20HZ my rears can handle 50HZ, my center can handle 40 HZ. I will try to mess around with it more and take this info and try it out and see what happens. Thanks


more help with setup

I am a newbie to this forum so please forgive me if I am not writing to the right forum. This email thread has been very helpful .
I recently purchased rxv2500 and still not able to see the full power of it. I recently saw in my friend's place that he keeps the volume at -50db and the system sound very loud and his yamaha is the older rxv1300. I have to crank up the volume up to -25db to get the same volume. at -50db my receiver is almost MUTE. I am not sure where or what I did wrong. Everything appears to be working fine. I have JBL northridge speakers and subwoofers. We have decent sized very rectangular room about 25x40ft (I guess).

I have tried everything I think should be checked, I am far from being an expert, but I am not sure if there is something I totally missed.

I appreciate any help with this. Thanks.


Full Audioholic
mira said:
I am a newbie to this forum so please forgive me if I am not writing to the right forum. This email thread has been very helpful .
I recently purchased rxv2500 and still not able to see the full power of it. I recently saw in my friend's place that he keeps the volume at -50db and the system sound very loud and his yamaha is the older rxv1300. I have to crank up the volume up to -25db to get the same volume. at -50db my receiver is almost MUTE. I am not sure where or what I did wrong. Everything appears to be working fine. I have JBL northridge speakers and subwoofers. We have decent sized very rectangular room about 25x40ft (I guess).

I have tried everything I think should be checked, I am far from being an expert, but I am not sure if there is something I totally missed.

I appreciate any help with this. Thanks.
It is normal for you to have to turn the 2500 to about -25, -20 or into the -teens to get theater levels in that size room! Get yourself an AVIA setup disc and go to radio shack and buy a sound pressure meter. Use this setup disc and meter to calibrate your system. I do not like the YAOP or whatever it is(the auto setup with supplied mic). Sound tinny and hollow. Bad. Don't mind the volume level bar on your monitor source as it seems to approach the upper spectrum. At the volumes you mentioned you and I both( I own a 2500) are just starting to unleash what it has to offer! Give it atleast 6-7 inches ventilation or more if possible, ideally use 8ohm speakers, do the setup using disc mentioned, and enjoy.


Full Audioholic
firefighterchri said:
Thanks for all the replies. Everything seems to sound great the way it is it just that when I put it in DTS mode it sounds more rich, but if I put it in THX with dts or THX by itself it seems to sound warmer or I should say less rich. Yes my mains are capable of low 20HZ my rears can handle 50HZ, my center can handle 40 HZ. I will try to mess around with it more and take this info and try it out and see what happens. Thanks
You only decode what is on your software, the dvd. If it is dts then play it using dts decoder. If dvd is thx...well, use thx decoder setting on recv'r. Some discs'dvd's are flagged or have a signal encoded to let player and or recv'r know which type of signal it will be sending out. I mention some do, not all. Most in my experience are not 'flagged'. All this is in the manual. Do people not read manuals anymore!? Despite the ability of your speakers to be able to reproduce low freq's I would suggest setting them to small. Bass management is designed for lfe, low frequency effects. This is not to be confused with bass(low bass, lower-mid bass, mid bass, upper mid bass) Bass covers a wide spectrum of what we hear in a movie or from music. LFE's are encoded as an individual track or the .1 in a 5.1 system during soundtrack mixing/mastering as a 'sub' bass track. The lowest of low freq's. Most speakers can't faithfully reproduce these lfe signals regardless of their brand, price, lower limits! period. In other words, the real low bass that one would expect from something blowing up, a monter stomping the earth, etc. Try setting speakers to small, turn up crossover on sub all the way and use recv's bass crossover settings to control what gets sent to sub. Typically 90hz, 80hz, or 60 will work well with 2500 and almost all speakers/rooms. I find 80hz is a good blend from mains to sub with my 2500 and Boston VR series spkr's.. Real low freq's are not sent to rears so why tax them and make the recv'r work harder to send lower freq's to them? Good luck and remember to listen smart protecting your hearing for lifelong enjoyment.


Thanks very much for your suggestions. We made more changes to our system. We set it up in our den (25x17). We felt that the high ceiling in the previous room etc may not be best suitable. To our disappointment it still sounds sort of the same. We changed the speakers cables (16 gauge). We also realized that the 'sound level' on the speakers was set at 0db, we increased to +4db. It did make some inprovement, but not a very obvious one. We will try out the AVIA disc etc soon. We may be missing something obvious.

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