Is it possible to reorient the entire layout so that it's lengthwise? That is what is desired for best acoustics. Since the couch(es) will need to be away from the "new" back wall since the doors need to open, you would also benefit enormously from not having your heads again that wall.
In a closed rectangular room, the starting point for LP is 38% of the length, for that is the best compromise as far as axial modes. I have learned here that the number can drop to as low as 33% with the inclusion of non-axial modes. Regardless, however close or far you are from that number, getting at least a few feet away from the back wall is beneficial no matter what. If you absolutely must be against the back wall, that should be one of the first places to treat, if not the very first.
If you do reorient, there's a chance that your bass will sound better, though of course no guarantees. Definitely trap the corners, whichever ones you can, but the most important bang for buck spots are the front two corners.
Hope that helps.