There is no such thing as digital FM. "HD" refers to the "Hybrid Digital" transmission system. This was a up and coming thing a few years ago and you needed a special tuner to receive it. but, it didn't take off and nobody really hears about any more and receivers for it are rare, if they are even still are being made.
In short, all FM is analog.
Minnesota is well covered with HD radio. I think most Marantz gear supports HD radio.
There have been a lot of problems with HD radio, but over time there has been a lot of improvements, especially to the codec. The current codec is a supercharged version of AAC plus. It now actually sounds better than the analog FM.
I think receiver manufacturers need to take another look. This is especially true now LED light bulbs are on the scene. If you have a number of LED bulbs in the home, analog FM listening is impossible, even on the best FM tuners. LED bulbs have to generate RF. The FCC in conjunction with light bulb manufacturers, many saying with malice aforethought, put the RF interference to be right across the FM band. Here is the spectrum.
Notice that the worst of it is in the area reserved for public broadcasting.
So now unless I want to listen in the dark, and keep my wife in the dark, I have to use HD.
I have to get my cars at least 200 yards from the house before I can hear anything except static on the FM radio!
The other issue, is that HD is still evolving and for some time now, HD can be, and is, broadcast without an analog component. Many of MPRs channels are now available in HD only, no analog available.
I think analog FM is now passed its sell by date. LED light bulbs will finish it.
To be honest I think all terrestrial broadcasting can now see the writing on the wall. Cars are now coming out with built in Wi-Fi. I think all broadcasting will be Internet based within 15 years and may be less.
The best solutions to the OPs problem my in fact be an Internet radio.