Currently I'm using a Harman Kardon AVR 635 for my home theater. For my turntable, I have an old Scott tube amp and some Klipsch corner horns. In my old home theater system I used the tape outputs (old Onkyo receiver) into the Scott tube amp, and was able to use the corner horns for viewing music dvds when listening to them in 2 channel stereo. I want to do something similar with the Harman Kardon, and am curious if it can be done with the 6 channel multi line inputs - that is, somehow program the receiver to know when the DVD input is in 2 channel, to use the pre-outs to the Scott amp to use the corner horns. I'm a programmer and familiar with RTFM (which I've done) so I hesitated to ask this - but I think I'm missing something fundamental with how the 6 channel inputs/outputs work. Any guidance/suggestions as to whether this is possible, and how to set it up, are much appreciated.