Help with Denon2805 Multizone Function



I am having some trouble utilizing my receiver's multi-zone function. I have tried following the manual. I would like to use a second television as "Zone 2". I can get a video signal, but cannot seem to get an audio signal to play on the television. I have tried a few combinations but none of them seem to be working.

At the moment I have standard RCA cables connecting the Zone 2 Pre-outs to the television's audio input. I can get a DVD player's video signal, but no audio. I would just like the audio to play through the television's internal speakers.

Is this something any of you could offer some advice on? Or could someone direct me to a better source for help on this?

I appreciate any help you could offer.


Audioholic Warlord
Do you have the volume turned up on zone 2? Zone 2 volume is variable (typically) and may be turned down all the way. You also MUST have analog RCA connectors from your DVD player to the DVD audio-in on the back of your 2805, zone 2 & 3 do not support digital audio (it requires additional D/A converters which most receivers don't use for that price).

Just a few suggestions.


I definitely appreciate the suggestions. I did check the Zone 2 volume settings and tried all three options, opting to leave it on "variable" until I could figure things out. And I understand that Zone 2 will only support analog audio. I'm coming out of a secondary DVD with RCA cables and I can get sound and video from this DVD in the Main zone. Any other ideas? Or even some trial and error suggestions? Thanks again for the help.


Alright. So this is somewhat embarrassing, but I figured it out with BMXTRIX's advice. I had been changing the settings and whatnot, but I guess I was just changing the overall volume and not the Zone 2 volume. I really struggle with this remote and manual. Anyway, when I figured out that I wasn't actually changing Zone 2's volume, I went back and tried again, and of course Zone 2's default volume is muted. So now all is well. Thank you for your help.

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