Help placing my new Audio Rack



Full Audioholic
Right now, the center of my HT setup is painfully cluttered as my TV as well as all my components are stacked and placed all over on a couple of coffee tables. But last night, I finally found a TV stand that will accomodate my large center channel on a shelf just below the TV, but there certainly wont be enough room for all my AV equipment, so I also bought a decent modular AV rack, which is basically nothing more than series of shelves.

My delema, is where to put the AV rack and still have everything work. Here is the basic layout of my living room, couches, walls, and current equipment.

RED = TV, speakers, and sub (in the corner)
BROWN = furniture
GREEN = two possible places for the AV rack

Phillips 47" LCD
5.1 surround
Pioneer AVR
Oppo DVD player
Possible soon to come dedicated blu-ray player
Possible soon to come dish network box

AV rack in the front, and to the left:

If I place the rack here, I am going to need a HELL of a lot of speaker wire to go down the top wall... down the right wall.. then under the couches to make it all the way to the rear speakers. I am also hoping (but dont know yet)that if I keep the PS3 in the rack and not under the TV (preferable) a set of wireless controllers will be able to work at that angle and distance. If not, I will have to run TWO long HDMI cables back and forth so the PS3 can live under the TV in the TV stand.

AV rack in the rear and to the right:

This spot is a tad smaller, so the AV rack will be sticking out a bit. I wont need to run as much speaker wire as the wire I already have should reach, but I will need a MUCH longer HDMI cables (i measured about 30' x 2). One pro to being back here, is the AV gear will really be out of sight and wont clutter the viewing experience as much. One con is, the PS3 will certainly HAVE to live under the TV, and I will need to be running a hell of a lot of HDMI to and from the AVR back and forth across that right wall. I am not sure if all the speaker wire AND both HDMIs will fit under the baseboards.

Sooo.. any suggestions? Anything I am not taking into consideration? Any other ideas? Thanks much!



Audioholic Overlord
What extends distal to option 2? I don't think that the rack will look good sticking past that wall.


Full Audioholic
I think its going to stick out about 3", regardless of which direction it is faced in that back corner. Also, the only reason I have the AV rack so far out to the left in option #1, is to kinda get it out of sight. I could always set it just to the left of my left speaker, facing the middle of the room... was kinda hoping to keep the front as "TV only" as possible... if you know what i mean.


Seriously, I have no life.
I think its going to stick out about 3", regardless of which direction it is faced in that back corner. Also, the only reason I have the AV rack so far out to the left in option #1, is to kinda get it out of sight. I could always set it just to the left of my left speaker, facing the middle of the room... was kinda hoping to keep the front as "TV only" as possible... if you know what i mean.
Turn it 90 degrees and if your drawing is to scale, it won't stick out at all. It would make it more viewable from the kitchen, too.

Is it safe to assume that the kitchen is to the left, in your drawing? Is there a definite reason the system can't be rotated 90 degrees clockwise? It wouldn't need a larger footprint and you could still place the cabinet at the right corner, which would save cable, although unless the room is unusually large, it shouldn't really be a major deal breaker. You're not buying the expensive M-word cables, are you?

What is the area behind the sofa, as it's situated now- family room? No basement?


Audioholic Spartan
^ +1, I think.

I like option 2, but rack facing west.

Why in the world would a PS3 not fit>????

Is your rack too small? Well, buy a new rack. I use two of the modular studio tech's, and they are $199 shipped to your door. Modular = future proof, sorta.

I also use a Monoprice $35 HDMI cable, $43. If someone told me it was a $1,000 cable, I'd believe him. Works perfectly.


Full Audioholic
Turn it 90 degrees and if your drawing is to scale, it won't stick out at all. It would make it more viewable from the kitchen, too.
I can rotate the AV rack in option #2 so it faces the kitchen on the left, but it would still stick out, unfortunately. I measured it out last night

Is it safe to assume that the kitchen is to the left, in your drawing?
Yep.. livingroom, diningroom, and kitchen are all open to eachother

Is there a definite reason the system can't be rotated 90 degrees clockwise?
What I neglected to show, was that the right wall there, is really nothing but windows with blinds. I never really considered putting the TV against THAT wall.. but then again, I don't think I ever have those blinds open, ever. That might be something to look into.

(Edit: Modified the pic to show diningroom stuff, and windows on the east wall)

unless the room is unusually large, it shouldn't really be a major deal breaker.
its 30' (top to bottom) by 18'. I didnt show the entire 30 feet, top to bottom. and no, its not to scale, but as close as I could do in MS Paint :)

You're not buying the expensive M-word cables, are you?
heck no! monoprice all damn day. My saviour.

What is the area behind the sofa, as it's situated now- family room? No basement?
Behind the main sofa there (bottom of pic) is the dining room table, then a hallway to the back bedrooms.
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Full Audioholic
^ +1, I think. I like option 2, but rack facing west. Why in the world would a PS3 not fit>????
The PS3 WOULD fit... but if the PS3 goes back there, I don't think the wireless controllers will connect to it BEHIND your back, would they? (i do game on my ps3).

I also use a Monoprice $35 HDMI cable, $43. If someone told me it was a $1,000 cable, I'd believe him. Works perfectly.
oohh yeah.. im a monoprice fanboy. but TWO 30' cables, even from monoprice, we are reaching another $100.


Audioholic Spartan
The PS3 WOULD fit... but if the PS3 goes back there, I don't think the wireless controllers will connect to it BEHIND your back, would they? (i do game on my ps3).
Ask PS3 owners. My guess is that it will be absolutely fine. I have a friend who sometimes, in a wierd mood, will play games upside down...


Senior Audioholic
I've never had a problem with wireless PS3 controllers from any angle that I've encountered. You shouldn't have a problem with it in the back corner. Also the PS3 is pretty much the best Blu-Ray player there is so I wouldn't worry about buying a stand alone just yet.


Full Audioholic
I always thought that in order for the wireless items to work, they had to be roughly pointed at the other end. For example, if you use a remote control for your TV, don't you have to point it more or less AT your tv? You can't point it backwards, away from the TV, right? I only assume wireless controlers are the same?


Full Audioholic
I've never had a problem with wireless PS3 controllers from any angle that I've encountered. You shouldn't have a problem with it in the back corner. Also the PS3 is pretty much the best Blu-Ray player there is so I wouldn't worry about buying a stand alone just yet.

Thanks for the tip... The reason I am looking for a standalone player, is to keep wear and tear down on the PS3 to a minimum, and the ps3 is one loud power hungy little bastard. I wouldnt mind being able to play a blu-ray without having a 350watt powersupply going at the same time. I mean, how much are players like the panny bd35? like $230? eehh. no biggy.


Audioholic Spartan
I always thought that in order for the wireless items to work, they had to be roughly pointed at the other end. For example, if you use a remote control for your TV, don't you have to point it more or less AT your tv? You can't point it backwards, away from the TV, right? I only assume wireless controlers are the same?
IR needs line-of-sight. Its different for RF, let alone BT.

edit: ya, the Pana BD-35 is a superior bluray player to the PS3. It was had for $149.99 yesterday. Sale is over.

The PS3 did not pass all HQV tests in the AVS battery, if you look in the Six Bluray Player shootout thread I posted here. The PS3 specifically failed Motion Adaptive Processing. The older Pana models could already pass all tests.


Full Audioholic
wow. where was it going for $149? thats painfully cheap, no?


Seriously, I have no life.
I always thought that in order for the wireless items to work, they had to be roughly pointed at the other end. For example, if you use a remote control for your TV, don't you have to point it more or less AT your tv? You can't point it backwards, away from the TV, right? I only assume wireless controlers are the same?
Infra-red is line of sight, RF isn't but if your equipment is IR, you could use a repeater or RF extender, like Harmony and URC use.


Full Audioholic
im actually not sure what the playstation wireless controlers use...


Seriously, I have no life.
im actually not sure what the playstation wireless controlers use...
If it has a plastic lens, it's probably IR. Put your hand in front of the nose and press buttons, or use a digital camera/phone camera and press buttons. If you see a bright spot appear when you press the buttons, it's IR.


Full Audioholic
Anyway.. for those of you that might of been following this.. I ended up placing my audio rack at position #2 (lower right), but facing the kitchen instead of facing the TV. It does NOT stick out past that little wall. It's actually recessed about 2 full inches, so all is good there! I had to run a longer HDMI to the TV as well as a long black exension cord to the TV and Sub, but it looks flawless with everything hidden by the basebaord. And having the AV rack behind the seating position, REALLY improves your visual experience. A fraction of the distraction, less clutter, no cables... all adds up!

Thanks for all the tips and advice... going to get some pictures up soon.



Audioholic Field Marshall
Just and FYI: The PS3 wireless controllers operate on bluetooth. there is no IR receiver on the console. You could use them in another room if you wanted to - no line of sight is required. They say BT range is 30', but I have been successful using my BT HTPC keyboard at 60' through multiple walls with no delay or loss of connectivity.
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Full Audioholic
AWesome thanks! I just bought two more wireless controlers :D

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