Right now, the center of my HT setup is painfully cluttered as my TV as well as all my components are stacked and placed all over on a couple of coffee tables. But last night, I finally found a TV stand that will accomodate my large center channel on a shelf just below the TV, but there certainly wont be enough room for all my AV equipment, so I also bought a decent modular AV rack, which is basically nothing more than series of shelves.
My delema, is where to put the AV rack and still have everything work. Here is the basic layout of my living room, couches, walls, and current equipment.
RED = TV, speakers, and sub (in the corner)
BROWN = furniture
GREEN = two possible places for the AV rack
Phillips 47" LCD
5.1 surround
Pioneer AVR
Oppo DVD player
Possible soon to come dedicated blu-ray player
Possible soon to come dish network box
AV rack in the front, and to the left:
If I place the rack here, I am going to need a HELL of a lot of speaker wire to go down the top wall... down the right wall.. then under the couches to make it all the way to the rear speakers. I am also hoping (but dont know yet)that if I keep the PS3 in the rack and not under the TV (preferable) a set of wireless controllers will be able to work at that angle and distance. If not, I will have to run TWO long HDMI cables back and forth so the PS3 can live under the TV in the TV stand.
AV rack in the rear and to the right:
This spot is a tad smaller, so the AV rack will be sticking out a bit. I wont need to run as much speaker wire as the wire I already have should reach, but I will need a MUCH longer HDMI cables (i measured about 30' x 2). One pro to being back here, is the AV gear will really be out of sight and wont clutter the viewing experience as much. One con is, the PS3 will certainly HAVE to live under the TV, and I will need to be running a hell of a lot of HDMI to and from the AVR back and forth across that right wall. I am not sure if all the speaker wire AND both HDMIs will fit under the baseboards.
Sooo.. any suggestions? Anything I am not taking into consideration? Any other ideas? Thanks much!