Try looking for used/vintage stuff on Craigslist and Kijiji. If your in a sufficiently populated area, for your modest 700$, you should find 2 full sized 3-way towers, a pair of 5" bookshelfs and matching center with a decent 8" or 10" sub, all in mint or near mint condition. There's a slew of people "moving-up" that have very nice mid-level gear for sale, you should be able to find something really nice without much trouble. It may take a week or two, but you can find something much more "civilized" than whatever your currently looking at.
Also, if the look doesn't clash with your decorum, don't be afraid to try Vintage stuff. You can get a modern Sub and center, and for the other four, look for high quality vintage towers. They can equal or even outperform modern stuff, can be found for very, very cheap, and if you don't like them, you will be able to offload them without taking much more of a loss than what it cost you in gas to go and get them.
My two cents.