
<font color='#000000'>Hi, I'm by far no expert and was hoping to tap into member collective expertise and experience. &nbsp;I've recently finished my basement and bought new HDTV and home theater. The Sony HT I bought is the 5.1 HT 6600DP. &nbsp;At purchase the salesman recommended to upgrade at least two cables, audio and video he said each would be about $100, I balked but now am second guessing.. &nbsp;can someone recommend what I truly should upgrade (Component video etc) and what I can pass on? &nbsp;if so what brand or type to get?THANKS!!</font>


<font color='#000000'>I would upgrade.....but not to the ones the salesman told you about. You can find decent cables a lot cheaper. If you look around, you can find a digital coax for about $8-$10 and a decent optical for about $15.
AR (Acoustic Research) makes good cables. They have a digital coax for about $19.99 and an optical for about $29.99 (I think). Even Radio Shack has some good cables in the same price range as the AR........
Good luck with your new system!</font>


<font color='#000000'>Thanks JVC.. I'll check AR as well as the local RS for some decent cables... at some point down the road I may upgrade further to monster cables or the like, the question for me was the matter of cost/benefit - that is would I notice a marked difference by using the $80calbes versus something pretty good at a 3rd the cost?

Thanks again!</font>


<font color='#000000'>Jim: &nbsp;As stated, there are substantial price ranges and many brands available for you to select but the one that I'd strongly suggest that you use is the Component Video connectors (as opposed to the S-Video and Composite); they are the logical choice for your HDTV. &nbsp;

I have three sets of these cables (all routed thru the receiver) and I think they were about $80.00 each but you can do better than that on price.

After I purchased these, I subscribed to HDTV thru the local cable company and they supplied the Component connectors without charge. &nbsp;For comparison though, I don't know the quality of 'their' cables!



Senior Audioholic
<font color='#000000'>jrad13,

Monster Cable is way way way overpriced and NO better than the Acoustic Research cables or Radio Shack Gold series which are at least half the price if not more. &nbsp;A quarter of the price is some cases. &nbsp; &nbsp;You can even find good cables at Walmart or Target. &nbsp;Cables are the way a store can make quick and easy bigs bucks. &nbsp;Margins on Audio and Video equipment are fairly small. &nbsp;Margins on cables are HUGE! Those $50 cables probably cost $5 or $6 bucks to make, if that. &nbsp;If you look at the packaging on just about any cable out there you will see big magical claims on how they increase performance but, you will NEVER see any numbers or scientific evidence to back ANY of their statements up. &nbsp; There's a reason for that. &nbsp; They can't.

Spend less on cables and more on DVDs or CDs. &nbsp;That will make a difference you can see and hear.

Have a good one.



<font color='#000000'>Great feedback Shiner.... I really appreciate that... so for my system I need ot look at a component cable (whcih I assume will conect DVD to TV and then a Coax to connect the tuner to the &quot;what&quot;? &nbsp;I assume the component cable upgrade to something liek a Radio Shack Gold will help wit the digital picture to my TV from DVD player, I already have upgraded teh speaker wire running to each speaker from the receiver with heavy speaaker wire I got from an eelctrician relative.. how else can I improve sound? &nbsp;Coax has ben mentioned but that cable connects what? &nbsp;THe tuner and what -- the DVD player?



Senior Audioholic
<font color='#000000'>Hey jrad13,

I don't have HDTV so I am not sure about how to hook it up so I will let someone else answer that but,  If you want to best picture possible, use Compenent where ever you can.  In terms of quality, component is the best followed by S-Video and then RCA.  Remember, component is just for video. From your DVD player to your receiver you ALSO need an audio line.  For your audio connections, use digital coax, optical (toslink) or even analog RCA plugs.  Digital Coax and Optical are the best but this will be dependent on what your receiver and DVD player will accept.  Many people use Digital Coax because it connects a little tighter and is generally cheaper than Optical.  I use Optical, but optical in general has a loser conenction and is prone to come lose if in tight cramped spaces.  Performance-wise, I think they are probably equal.  Some may disagree.

By the way, the whole cost vs. perfomance issue with cables, also applies to speaker wire.  Looks like you did good in terms of speaker wire.  Some people use lamp cord for speaker wire and it works fine.



<font color='#000000'>Shiner, more good stuff, very helpful, I'll be doing some cable shopping overthe weekend and grab a Component adn a coax adn hoepfully gonan hook up the Home Theater this weekend... then have to wait for my cable guy to come to upgrade me from basic cable to digital cable next week. &nbsp;But at least can watch some DVDs and what not.... thanks so much!

<font color='#000080'>Only somewhat related - but in general most HTIB systems don't come with the necessary cables to get your sound and video outputted in the best resolution. Sony is notorious about including only basic interconnects.

Definitely pay attention to how you might use the best methods given to you for routing the audio and video. (your Sony, for example comes with a composite video cable - you'll want to use S-video or component to get to your TV assuming this is supported).

Their speaker cables are usually 18-24 gauge which is probably fine unless you are running the cable long distances (over 25 feet). If you were wiring it yourself you'd probably go for 16 gauge or lower. Anything lower than 16 gauge may not fit the speaker connectors on that system.</font>


<font color='#000000'>thanks Hawke, I'll pay close attention to connection options availed to me -- I beleive I can make a Component connectio and will take advantage of that to improve the video... I will check on the gauge of speaker wire I have installed at home, (it's run but not yet connected the room is still being finsihed (flooring and what not) but I'm planning to hook up the tv and system this weekend.



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