I tend to lump the three together because it seems all the manufacturers seem to. I do not consider fixed crossover settings true bass management. It is more like bass dictation, and more often than not, too high.
No matter what receiver you buy, if this is a long term investment, than I would have to include HDMI switching. HDCP will be enforced sooner than later so that is why I suggest you spend a little more now. Never mind the better possible video quality.
Otherwise, an HDMI switch will cost you US$250 approximately. Add that price into a reciever cost and you can quickly start to justify its inclusion. Not to mention up\down conversion of all your video inputs with some recievers.
If you decide that SACD and DVD audio is for you, then a receiver with a proprietary digital link would be ideal, providing bass management, dB control, speaker distances, and maintain digital continuity.
Lots of things to consider and I apologize if I have just complicated the matter.