Interesting; I didn't know those m/c switchers even existed! I should have known, of course, because whenever there's a need for something (even a perceived need), there's always gonna be someone making sure it's available! Thanks for the link, Johnd. Hopefully by the time I do purchase an HD/Blu-Ray player, I will have upgraded to a receiver that can pass the DolbyTrueHD and DTS-HD and whatever else over HDMI, so this won't be necessary. But if it is, it's good to know that this switcher is out there.
I think you must be mistaking my Pioneer 588A for something else, an Elite model perhaps. The 588A costs only about a hundred U.S. (mine was $150 CND) -- at no time did it retail for $479. But it IS a pretty sweet player. It plays DivX and WMA, as well as SACD and DVD-A. Its audio sound won't knock you out, but it sounds very nice indeed. It won't pass blacker than black, but other than that, the video looks beautiful. It's a budget model, but I'm very happy with it.
Enjoy the hi-res!