looking for some guidance towards picking the right TV for me.
First off, I have about $3k to spend...I want sound with this, but would be willing to wait till I had saved more funds up for the sound if I must (if it meant getting the right tv).
We watch mostly TV (digital cable), and will consider High Def.
We have an open concept living room, so space for a crt rptv wouldnt be a problem.
I do play some vieo games.
We sit approx. 10 ft away from the set.
I am somewhat worried about viewing angle since we sometimes sit at our dinning room to eat, and watch some tv (this isnt a priority though).
we have a few windows, and I am a little worried about reflections on a crt rptv (mainly because I am a firefighter, and every firehouse has a big screen, some better than others, but some are horrible to view from any angle other than straight on, and some refect every bit of light in a room.....but these are probably older, and cheaper models).
thanks for any help